
four Break Through Tech Chicago participants face the camera in a group pose

There’s a place for you in tech.

Break Through Tech Chicago provides support to help you find it.

As you get involved with our core programs, such as CS 111 and Sprinternships, keep in mind our offerings below, which allow you to become part of the Break Through Tech Chicago community.


Upcoming events

Break Through Tech Chicago events will be posted here as we schedule them!

Office hours

Break Through Tech Chicago’s team of staff and student team leads are here to help you navigate your UIC tech education. During the school year, we provide a link on this page to schedule an office-hours meeting. Our hours are on pause, but if you have a question over the summer, please reach out to us at


Because our mission is to support women and nonbinary people in their pursuit of a tech career, we reach out to those students when they register for their first UIC tech courses to invite them to become Break Through Tech Chicago members. If you have not yet joined and would like a free membership, please apply! You will access benefits such as:

  • Internship, job, and career-fair listings that we make available in our private LinkedIn group
  • Invitations to selected career-related events
  • Access to work, study, or socialize in our Break Through Tech Chicago space in the Engineering Innovation Building

Learn more and apply