Your career potential

Taking tech courses at UIC can make you a sought-after new hire.
Need proof? Below are six real job postings from companies that hire UIC students. A tech background could make you a candidate for these roles.

Take advantage of tech's growth.
The U.S. government projects the creation of 667,000 new jobs in computing by 2030.
Which fields are expected to be most in demand? Cloud computing, big data, and cybersecurity. UIC’s computer science major, CS + design major, data science major, and computer science minor can prepare you for positions in these areas.
Words of wisdom from former students
Choosing a path in tech might feel intimidating, but this goal is in your reach. Below, hear from recent UIC alumni about how they felt in the very beginning, and how they’ve succeeded since then. These informal videos were recorded during online CS 111 classes at UIC.

Figuring it out as you go
Anna Mukhina, BS ’13, grew up around computers but never saw them as being a part of her future career. In this three-minute video, Anna describes the twists and turns that took her from an undergraduate degree in economics to a career in tech.

Joy of discovery
Sruti Bhagavatula, BS ’14, chose computer science because it was one of only two options available at her high school in India. But in trying it, she found that she loved writing small programs and getting them to work. Today she is teaching computer science to new students at Northwestern.

Courage to take the next step
Lydia Tse, BS ’20, MS ’21, realized after finishing her first undergraduate degree that she was interested in computer science. She made her way into CS by returning to UIC for a second bachelor’s! She talks about the value in pursuing something that interests you, even if it takes a lot of courage to do it.
If you're interested in a tech education at UIC, Break Through Tech Chicago can help.
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